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free radical 【原子能】自由基,游離基。

free rider

When the skin is exposed to sunlight , the radiation triggers the formation of free radicals which , in turn , damages the dna in skin cells , causing tumours to grow 當皮膚暴露在陽光下,紫外線輻射會引發游離原子團的形成,轉而破壞皮膚細胞中的dna ,引起腫瘤的生長。

The ultimate product of the endoperoxide cleavage is a carbon - centered free radical which has functions as an alkylating agent , reacting with both heme and parasite proteins Tanaka等建立了一種新奇、快速、方便的分離藥物靶標蛋白基因的療法: drug - western法。

Smoking also enhances the generation of free radicals and decreases the levels of antioxidants in the blood circulation , aqueous humour , and ocular tissue 吸煙也會促進游離基的產生,同時減低血液、玻璃體和眼球組織的抗氧化物的能力。

It also enhances the formation of free radicals and inhibits the formation of antioxidants in the blood circulation , aqueous humour , and ocular tissue 吸煙會促進游離基的產生,同時抑制血液、玻璃體和眼睛纖維內的抗氧化物的制造。

Smoking also enhances the generation of free radicals and decreases the levels of antioxidants in the blood circulation , aqueous humour , and ocular tissue 吸煙也會促進游離基的產生,同時減低血液玻璃體和眼球組織的抗氧化物的能力。

It also enhances the formation of free radicals and inhibits the formation of antioxidants in the blood circulation , aqueous humour , and ocular tissue 吸煙會促進游離基的產生,同時抑制血液玻璃體和眼睛纖維內的抗氧化物的制造。

Contains antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps resist free radical attacks , protects dna from harmful damage and prevents ageing 含抗氧化生物類黃酮之天然抗氧化劑,能?御游離基對肌膚的傷害,減少細胞里dna受損的機會,預防衰老。

Contains antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps resist free radical attacks , protects dna from harmful damage and prevents ageing 含抗氧化生物類黃酮之天然抗氧化劑,能?御游離基對肌膚的傷害,減少細胞? ? na受損的機會,預防衰老。

It is also rich in amino acids , vitamins and minerals , particularly in selenium which is a powerful antioxidant against damaging free radicals 當40年代一宣布大蒜可以抑制細菌真菌酵母菌和病毒生長,科學家就開始研究大蒜。

The ability to accommodate oxidative stress and maintain retinal structures against free radicals formed is thus adversely affected 于是,吸煙人士適應氧化壓力會下降,而其維持視網膜結構以抵抗游離基侵害的能力也會減低。

A powerful antioxidant , help reduce fine lines and stretch marks , re - hydrate skin and neutralize free radicals that cause cellular damage 滋潤皮膚,含抗氧化及抗皺功能,能避免因黑色素密集堆積形成頑固黑斑。

Free radicals clog peripheral blood vessels , leading to the brain causing cerebral thrombosis , cerebral hemorrhage , etc 腦與心病癥活性氧使周圍靜脈阻塞造成功能失常腦血栓形成腦出血等。

Perhaps the changes of antioxidant system were caused by the accumulation of free radicals and activated oxygen 分析表明, uv - b輻射引起的抗氧化系統變化可能是uv - b輻射下活性氧積累引起的。

Simultaneous determination of magnolol and honokiol by uv spectrophotometry and study on free radical scavenger activity 紫外分光光度法同時測定厚樸酚與和厚樸酚的含量及活性研究

Whitening complex and bitter orange peel inhibit melanin production and fight against free radicals 含專利美白復合成份及酸橙皮精華,有助阻止及減慢黑色素形成,同時對抗游離基。

( free radical are a highly reactive group of atoms , molecules or radicals , which carry unpaired electron in outer orbital 外層軌道上有單個不配對價電子的原子、原子團或分子。

The research on mitochondrial energy metabolism and neuro - endocrinal regulation of senile rats , supporting the free radical theory aging 老年大鼠線粒體能量代謝及其調控的研究

In addition , there will be an accumulation of more free radicals in the body , known to be a cause of cancer 更甚的話,還會積累過多的放射物(游離基)在身體內,會形成腫瘤。

It is widely believed that removing free radicals from our body is the first step towards good health and longevity 有人認為,解決游離基問題是邁向健康與長壽的首要任務。